
"Make Love A Rhythm"

Monday, June 27, 2011

Lazy Days!!!

Summer is here, but do you ever have those days where you do nothing and your parents are hollering at you saying " get off your  butt and go do somthing''. However you give them a blank stare and go back to being lazy. Well here you go, I'm gonna give you some lazy tips just to help you get your lazyness on.

1. Find a soft sofa to huddle up on!!!


2. Find a cute warm snuggie to huddle up in !!!

Warm Snuggie

3. Grab some snacks like popcorn or icecream
  Yummy Snacks

4. A flat screen t.v. to watch some awesome movies
 Flat Screen t.v. 

    So now that you have everything sit back ,relax,pop a movie in , and just be lazy. Its one of the best parts of summer!!!
byee have fun and remember to :


1 comment:

  1. Hi Raven!
    My name's Eve and I saw your blog on... ummm... i dunno someone elses blog.
    i really like it!
    And I LOVE the colorful writing!
    Here is the link to my blog if you wanna check it out.learning123adifferentway.blogspot.com

    from eve
